
Vertical of the Tzams

Sep 16, 2021 | News

The year 2022 will have seen the end of our two free access courses!

In spite of all our good will, it is impossible to propose them to you again! Some owners forbid us to access them and we have to respect these decisions.

They should have been equipped with Timmy tags from July 1st to September 30th 2022 in order to compete with other runners at l'Etivaz.

No need to register beforehand, just show up at the starting area in L'Etivaz and follow the instructions on site.
CANCELLED - The Tzams' Verticaldry climb of 3,6km and D+ 900m
CANCELLED - The Barla'Traila course of 34km and D+ 2300m
These two routes have been designed to discover or rediscover the magnificent trails and landscapes of our beautiful region.

Once again, you will be entitled to your cheese and beer as soon as you arrive at l'Etivaz!

It's too short...?

Then sign up for one of the two routes that are offered on August 19 & 20, 2022.

An Ultra-Trail® of 104km and 6'400m D+ or the Trail of 50km and 2'900m D+.

Registration is limited, so don't delay.



Reviewing rider briefings

Reviewing rider briefings

Thanks to all those who took part in the briefings for the 26km and 50km courses. Sorry again for the technical problems, but in a few editions we'll be up to scratch. And, above all, we'll be more careful about closing the microphones. VIDEO - Link Briefing 50K VIDEO -...

Ultra-Trail® du Barlatay - 104K - CANCELLED

Ultra-Trail® du Barlatay - 104K - CANCELLED

The cancellation of the ultra is totally independent of the will of the committee in place. Despite our efforts, no solution has been found for this edition. We maintain nevertheless the two courses 50K and 26K.


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