
Reviewing rider briefings

Aug 14, 2024 | News

Thanks to all those who took part in the briefings for the 50km and 75km routes.

VIDEO - Link 50K Briefing

VIDEO - Link Briefing 75K

Important points in FrenchThe English translation is below.

Bus shuttles

The information is contained in the e-mail sent to you by MSO.


Parking is available at l'Etivaz. Follow the signs and do not leave your vehicle outside the designated area, about 250 m from the start.

Food before and after the race

You are entitled to a meal before and after the race.

Timetables can be found in the program on the website.

Evening : Pasta

Morning: Bread, butter, jam, yoghurt and muesli.

Bib number pick-up

Another competitor can collect your number, vouchers and souvenir prize.

All we need is your first and last name.

Change of route

It is possible to change course by sending an e-mail to team@barlatay.ch.

Please be aware of possible charges. You can find information on this subject in the regulations or by sending us an e-mail to team@barlatay.ch


Please note that there is no possibility of refuelling outside the official refreshment points.

You can leave a bag with your belongings (change of clothes or personal supplies) in front of the race office. Attention no paper bags and indicate on the bag the bib number and the name of supply location.

The schedule for returning bags on arrival will be posted, but please be patient.

It's not possible for a single bag to be sent to each of the supply points.


You can find weather information on our website. It is updated regularly.

In the event of bad weather, you may not be able to climb the Pic Chaussy for safety reasons. In this case, you will be diverted to an alternative route.


Mandatory equipment is maintained for all courses. The 15K and 25K climb to 1,850 m, and the weather can change quickly. In all cases, you must have your equipment with you.

The race leader may decide to modify the compulsory equipment at the last moment, so remember to take everything with you in accordance with the regulations.

Abandonment - Repatriation

There are no plans to repatriate riders who retire.


This year, we want to have all three riders in each category on the podium, so you may have to wait.

Time barrier

Time barriers are indicated on the website.

Information for all routes

  • The course is well-marked, with arrows pointing the way for each run.
  • Passages marked "Danger" should be approached with caution.
  • Facebook

General informations en français

Shuttle nozzles

The information is in the email sent to you by MSO.

Parking lot

Parking is available in L'Etivaz. Follow the signs and do not leave your vehicle outside the

intended location, about 250 m from the start.

Pre- and post-race food

You are entitled to a meal before and after the race.

The timetables can be found in the programme on the website.

Dinner: Pasta

Morning: Bread, butter, jam, yoghurt and muesli.

Bib pick-up

Another competitor can collect your bib as well as the vouchers and the souvenir prize.

To do this, we simply need to have your first and last name.

Change of course

It is possible to change your route by sending an email to team@barlatay.ch.

Be careful of possible costs. You can find the information about this on the settlement or by

emailing us at team@barlatay.ch


Please note that it is not possible to get supplies outside the official aid stations.

You can leave a bag with your belongings (change of clothes or personal supplies) in front of

the shopping office. Be careful no paper bag and indicate on the bag the number of the

bib as well as the name of the refreshment place.

The time of return of bags on arrival will be posted but you have to be patient.

It is not possible for a single bag to be sent to each of the supply points.

Weather forecast

You can find the weather information on our website. An update is made regularly.

In case of bad weather conditions, it is possible that the ascent to the Pic Chaussy will be

forbidden for safety reasons. In this case, you will be diverted to an alternative route.Equipment

The mandatory equipment is maintained for all routes. The 15K and 25K climbs up to 1,850 m

and the weather can change quickly. In any case, you must have the equipment with you.

The race director may decide to modify the mandatory equipment but at the last moment so

remember to take everything with you in accordance with the rules.

Abandonment - Repatriation

There are no plans to repatriate riders who give up.


This year, we want to have all three riders in each category on the podium so you may have

to wait.

Time barrier

Time limits are indicated on the website.

Info for all routes

- The course is well marked and arrows indicate the direction to follow for each race.

- Passages marked "Danger" should be approached with caution.

Follow us to get the latest news! www.barlatay.ch/news

Aftermovie - 13th edition

Aftermovie - 13th edition

Two days were enough to bring to a close almost a year of preparation. Thank you all for attending our 13th edition.

See you on August 16, 2025.


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